University of Virginia School of Law Externships

University of Virginia School of Law Externships and Jobs
The University of Virginia School of Law offers part-time and full-time externship opportunities for students in their second or third year of law school. Externship positions are available at a government office or agency or a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization.

Local, part-time externships are for students who can work 10 hours per week at a local organization. It also requires reading and writing assignments and gives students experience plus three academic credits. Full-time externships are also available and can be local, national or even international. Full-time externship students work 40 hours per week and receive 12 college credits.

All externship students are supervised by faculty members and students are required to complete reading and writing assignments. Only fourth or fifth year law students may participate in full-time externships. The externship program is designed to give law students a chance to observe the law in action and help them further define their career goals in the field of law.

Externships are offered in the Fall and Spring. Students should apply two months in advance in order to ensure they find an externship position that is right for them.

The location VARIES.

To apply for an internship, visit:

To apply for a job, visit:


NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Externships

Mayo Clinic Externships

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Summer 2024 Nurse Externship Program in Texas

Foreign Medical Graduate U.S. Externships

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