Fried Frank Externships

Fried Frank Externships
Fried Frank Externships are designed to give work experience to mid-level, third-year, or recent law school graduates. The externships give law students practice in litigation as well as experience in public service.

Externs may work on behalf of the NAACP for the defense of African-Americans and other minority groups. They may provide litigation services for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund on behalf of Latinos.

For students interested in helping low-income and underserved communities, they may be interested in a year-long externship helping the New York non-profit organization, inMotion, in the areas of matrimonial, family and immigration law. There is also a four-month externship with the New York Legal Aid Society to provide legal services to low-income businesses and entrepreneurs.

Why not apply for an externship and internship?

The externships are unpaid and provide real-world experience in the field of law with a focus on providing legal aid to low-income and underrepresented groups. The externships are offered by Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP. The law firm has locations in the U.S. and overseas and promotes diversity within to promote best practices and ensure the best possible service to all groups

The location VARIES.

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