Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters Student Nurse Externships

Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters Student Nurse Externships offer clinical experience with pay for nursing students. The externship program is open to BSN nursing students who have completed at least 2 semesters of clinicals and are in good standing at an accredited school of nursing.

The 10-week externship program runs from mid-May through mid-August every year. Externs work 8- or 12-hour shifts with pay; some shifts will be day-night and rotations may include occasional weekend shifts. Nursing students learn through observation, clinical practice and classroom experience.

To apply, qualified students must send a completed application along with a formal resume that includes job experience, student activities, and any honors received. Two references are also required, along with a brief statement of the student's career objectives.

Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters was established in 1961. It now consists of 18 pediatric practices, some with multiple office locations, providing pediatric practices in 29 different locations throughout southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina.


The location VARIES.

To apply for an externship, visit:
To apply for a job, visit:


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